Brand Licensing Law

Greg Pan

Gregory Pan is currently the founder and principal of Brand Licensing Law, P.C. which specializes in legal services related to IP brand management and license agreements for consumer products. Brand Licensing Law represents and provides general counsel and IP related services to numerous manufacturers that rely on licensing IP from popular media brands, as well as brands licensing out their own trademarks and copyrights to licensees for consumer products. He also is the head of legal and business affairs at (RED), a non-profit organization formed by Bono of U2 to engage the corporate sector to create products and services to generate proceeds to end AIDS and infectious diseases. Prior to these roles, Greg was Principal Counsel at Marvel Entertainment and was part of the Legal and Business Affairs group for twelve years. While at Marvel, Greg oversaw consumer product licensing contract negotiations and was the lead attorney for Marvel’s film co-promotions, live entertainment attractions, and Marvel licensed theme parks.